Sunday, March 10, 2013

Whoa, Blogger has really changed in the nearly 2 years I haven't posted anything. TWO YEARS? Good Lord. There's a lot of news with the Lamb Chop family. We've added a new member, Angel Lamb Chop. Neighbors Nigel and Pip moved in next door. We even got a dog named Mr. Squeakers. Mommy Lamb Chop has a new friend named Muffins, and I'm sure we will introduce...him...soon.

Yes, we have been dormant but not inactive. If we're gonna stick with the volcano metaphor, pretty soon half the USA will be covered in a 10-foot layer of ash. (Did anyone else watch terrifying videos in  science class while growing up? I spent most of middle school dreading Ebola.)

Right-o. See you soon!


  1. Are you still inactive? It seems so and I really wish you a good time, it's been so long since you posted anything, you could go post something soon in 2015.
